Hotel Accommodation Terms

Hotel Accommodation Terms

Definition of Terms

  • Room Charge: The fee for using a room at our hotel.
  • Accommodation Contract: A contract between our hotel and the guest for staying at the hotel.
  • Accommodation Voucher: A document issued by a travel agency recognized by our hotel, representing the conclusion of an accommodation contract on behalf of the hotel.
  • Applicant: The person (or corporation) who applies for an accommodation contract.
  • Consumption Tax: The tax defined under the Japanese Consumption Tax Law.
  • Guest: The person who has concluded an accommodation contract with our hotel.
  • Our Hotel: The hotel building, furniture, fixtures, and facilities operated by Hotel VR OSAKA.
  • Personal Information: Information defined under the Law concerning the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Law”).
  • Privacy Policy: The personal information protection policy separately established by our hotel based on the Personal Information Protection Law.

Scope of Application

  • The accommodation contract and related contracts concluded between our hotel and the guest shall be governed by these terms. Matters not stipulated in these terms shall be governed by laws and established customs.
  • In cases where our hotel has agreed to special provisions that do not contravene laws and customs, such provisions shall take precedence notwithstanding the preceding paragraph.

Application for Accommodation Contract

  • Guests applying for an accommodation contract with our hotel shall provide the following information:
    • Name of the guest
    • Date(s) of stay and expected time of arrival
    • Room charges (principally as listed in the separate table)
    • Name and contact information of the applicant
    • Name and contact information of the person responsible for the payment
    • Other matters deemed necessary by our hotel
  • If a guest requests to extend their stay beyond the date specified in the previous paragraph during their stay, our hotel will treat it as a new application for an accommodation contract made at the time of the request.

Establishment of Accommodation Contract, etc.

  • An accommodation contract shall be established when our hotel accepts the application as stated in the previous article. However, this does not apply if our hotel can prove that it did not accept the application.
  • When an accommodation contract is established under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest shall pay an application deposit set by our hotel by the designated date.
  • The application deposit shall first be applied to the final accommodation charges payable by the guest. If situations arise requiring the application of the provisions of Articles (specified) and (specified), it will be applied to the penalty fee and then to the compensation fee in that order. If there is any remaining amount, it will be refunded at the time of payment of the charges under the provisions of Article (specified).